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Alexander Mackenzie and Associates enhances organizational effectiveness through assessment, coaching, selection, and training.

Happy Businessman
Professor & Students
Job Interview


Supporting individual Performance

Assessing individual skills and behaviors and aligning those for maximum effectiveness in the organization and role.  Coaching may include 360 degree feedback and/or MBTI, and focuses on building self awareness of the impact leaders have on others.   Balancing human and practical needs to motivate, influence, guide, inspire, and shape behaviors leads to realization of organizational goals.


Building your leadership bench


We use a behavior modeling approach to delivering ready leadership talent, including cognitive and experiential content and process, skill practice, and peer feedback.  Classroom training can stand alone, or be part of a holistic design including assessment, employee communications, expert systems/job aids, coaching, and performance appraisal/management.  



Competency Modeling and Behavioral Interviewing

There are significant human and financial costs associated with failed hiring decisions.  Without skills and structure for selection, the inputs to hiring come down to interviewer bias and candidates' interviewing skills -- which don't accurately predict success in a role.  Our approaches to systematic assessment of needed competencies for performance, and more objective interviewing and evaluation systems yield matching the right candidates to the right roles to drive your organization's success.

New in Training and Development


In response to the "Great Resignation," we offer Stay Interviews program including training and tools to keep your valued employees.


Are blind spots and unconscious bias getting in the way of serving all your patients and customers -- and treating your teams equitably?  Almost without a doubt -- every organization has room to grow.  Our EQUITY  program helps your organization assure that you are continuously improving delivery and outcomes for all your internal and external users.

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